Here is the full list of NCERT, NIOS & IGNOU Books for Various Government Examinations . NCERT & NIOS Books are indisputable authentic sources for the preparation of all competitive examinations. Examinations like RAS 2022 , Rajasthan, Haryna, Delhi, UP olice and other govt exams have often asked questions from these books directly and indirectly. A comprehensive study of these books will help you get a basic understanding of all the subjects and will be an invaluable part of your preparation. Students find it difficult to find NCERT solutions of the books which are important for their various exams' preparations. This initiative is aimed at reducing your effort in finding the sources and focus them more on studying the sources. As per your request, we are providing subject-wise old and new PDFs of NCERT, NIOS & IGNOU Books for Rajasthan State Exams for both Hindi and English medium students. NCERT, NIOS & IGNOU Books in Hindi & English History Class NCER